Shaman Spell List

Warning: this article is under active development. The rules contained herein are not part of the system, and will not be until these rules are released.

0-level Shaman Spells
  • Flare: Ranged attack inflicts 1d6 fire damage.
1st-level Shaman Spells
  • Evoke Flame: 10' radius ignites, causing 1d6 fire damage per round to all inside. Creatures who spend 1 full round inside and fail a Reflex save are ignited themselves. Lasts 3 rounds.
  • Chill Breeze: Target in Short range suffers 1d8+1/level cold damage, and must pass a Fort save or suffer hypothermia (treat as fatigued).
  • Gust of Wind: Does whatever a gust of wind can.
  • Farseeing: Point in space within 1 mile and line of sight becomes sensor through which you gain 360 vision. Concentration.
  • Rockbiter Weapon: Touched weapon inflicts +1d6 damage per 5 levels, and ignores one point of hardness or Damage Reduction per level. Lasts 10 minutes per level. Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian I: As Summon Monster, except you summon spiritual animals instead of extraplanar animals. Also, your elemental summoning is improved, as in ''Summon Nature's Ally''.
2nd-level Shaman Spells
  • Lightning Strike, Lesser: Target in Medium range suffers 1d6/level electrical damage, Reflex half.
  • Stone Spike: The earth juts upward to stab target in Short range, inflicting 2d6+2/level physical damage. Target must be within 10 ft of the earth.
  • Geyser: A vent of steam erupts from the ground beneath a target in Short range, inflicting 1d6+1/level fire damage, and knocking the creature over on a failed Reflex save.
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian II
  • Lightning Shield:Summons 1 orb per level which orbit around you. Any creature that strikes you in melee suffers 1d6/level electricity damage, no save, causing one orb to disappear. You gain 50% resistance to electricity. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.
3rd-level Shaman Spells
  • Evoke Blaze: 20' radius ignites, causing 1d8+1/level fire damage per round to all inside, and igniting those who fail a Reflex save.
  • Flametongue: Touched weapon inflicts +1d6 fire damage per 3 levels. Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.
  • Freeze: Target touched must pass a Reflex save or be frozen in place by a solid block of ice; can attempt a Strength check (your DC) each round as a full-round action to escape. Lasts 1-rd/level.
  • Thunderlance: 90' line of air knocks down all Medium creatures and moves Large creatures 5 ft back, inflicts 1d4 sonic damage/level with Reflex save for half.
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian III
4th-level Shaman Spells
  • Lightning Storm, Lesser: All within 20' spread suffer 1d6/level electrical damage, Ref half, for 3 rounds. (Does not follow targets)
  • Chill Wind: Targets in 30' cone suffer 1d6/level cold damage, and must pass a Fort save or suffer hypothermia (treat as fatigued).
  • Fire Shield:Each round, on your turn, all creatures within 5 ft of you suffer 2d6+1/level fire damage; those within 10 ft suffer 2d4 damage, and those within 20 ft suffer 1d4 damage, all with no save. You gain 50% resistance to fire. Allies are immune to this damage. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.
  • Stone Claw: The earth forms a large claw which inflicts 1d8/2 levels in physical damage and initiates a grapple (caster level+Wis+8) which it holds for 1 round per level.
  • Spiritual Guide: Conjures a ghostly animal which knows the local area and can lead you creatures, objects, and places within it. 10 min/level.
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian IV
5th-level Shaman Spells
  • Column of Fire: 10' cylinder, 20' high pillar of flame in Medium range causes 1d6/level fire damage, no save; the following round, anyone still inside takes half the original damage, no save. Reflex negates igniting, yada yada yada.
  • Frostbrand: Touched weapon inflicts +1d6 frost damage per 3 levels. Creatures struck must pass a Fortitude save or be slowed for 1 round. Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.
  • Pillar of Water: Cylinder of water, 10' radius, 40' high, lifts all targets off their feet. They cannot move, they must swim, and they begin to drown if they need to breathe air. The water is considered stormy water and requires a DC 20 Swim check to move within. Lasts 1 round/level.
  • Earth Strike: The earth rolls over itself to crush a 10' square for 1d6/level physical damage, no save; survivors are prone and buried, with cover granted by the rubble, and a DC 15 Strength or Escape Artist check required to escape.
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian V
6th-level Shaman Spells
  • Earth Shield:When you are struck in melee, you are healed as in Cure Light Wounds as cast by you; on a critical hit, you are instead healed as in Cure Serious Wounds. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.
  • Lightning Strike, Greater: Target in Long range suffers 1d8/level electrical damage, Reflex half. On a failed save, target is dazed for 1 round.
  • Pillar of Ice: Target in Medium range suffers 1d8/level frost damage, Fort half, and is frozen in place as in Freeze. While frozen, target suffers 1/level frost damage per round.
  • Wind Tunnel: 10' cylinder, 10' long per level, contains rushing wind that can be used for various purposes. Any flying creature that fits inside is automatically rushed to the other edge. Any grounded creature must pass a Reflex save or suffer a similar fate. The cylinder can be oriented upward, forcing affected creatures to pass a Reflex save or be vaulted upward to the extent of the cylinder. Creatures so moved suffer 1d6/level falling damage unless they somehow do not strike anything after the movement (i.e., they have magical flight or natural buoyancy).
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian VI
7th-level Shaman Spells
  • Flaming Wind: A snake-like tunnel of wind carries searing flame to 1 target/level within Medium range; all suffer 1d8/level fire damage, Ref half, for 3 rounds, and are ignited on a failed save.
  • Cocoon of Magma: Target in Medium range is enveloped in magma, suffering 1d6/level fire damage per round with no save. Target can attempt to escape the magma as a standard action by passing a Reflex save. Lasts 3 rounds.
  • Stone Lance: A great spear of stone strikes target in Medium range within 40' of the earth. The attack inflicts 1d10 physical damage per 2 levels, no save; creature must extricate itself from the spear as a move action or be immobilized.
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian VII
  • Windfury Weapon: Touched weapon grants an additional attack on a roll of 16 or higher; can happen up to 2 times per attack in a full attack (for a maximum of 3 attacks per attack). Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.
8th-level Shaman Spells
  • Lightning Storm, Greater: All within 60' spread suffer 1d8/level electrical damage, Ref half, for 3 rounds, and are dazed for 1 round on a failed save. (Does not follow targets)
  • Deep Freeze: One target/level in Medium range must pass a Reflex save or be frozen in place by a solid block of ice; can attempt to escape as a full-round action by passing a Strength check (your DC). Lasts 1-rd/level.
  • Pull of the Earth: Target flying creature in Long range suffers an increases to apparent weight; its flight maneuverability decreases one step, its fly speed is halved, and it must land at 75% hit points (rather than 50%).
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian VIII
  • Water Shield:You are surrounded by 3 orbs of water. When struck in melee, one orb bursts, and you gain 1d6+4 spell levels; you may use these spell levels at any time within one round to cast a spell whose level does not exceed the granted levels. Casting a spell in such a manner is as normal in all ways, including casting time, it just does not expend a spell slot. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.
9th-level Shaman Spells
  • Pillar of Flame: 30' cylinder, 90' high pillar of flame in Long range causes 1d8/level fire damage, no save, each round for 3 rounds.
  • Prison of Ice: Target touched is imprisoned in a block of ice permanently, Will negates.
  • Storm of Vengeance: 90' radius is inundated with rain, sleet, snow, hail, lightning, earthquakes, fireballs, and wind. All within are affected by hurricane force winds which blow in a random direction for each target; whiteout blocks vision as in obscuring mist; tremors negate tremorsense; wind negates scent; casting is impossible; movement speeds are reduced by half; flying is impossible; all suffer 1d6/level of untyped damage per round, no save.
  • Summon Spiritual Guardian IX

By Type


  • Flare: Ranged attack inflicts 1d6 fire damage.
  • Evoke Flame: 10' radius ignites, causing 1d6 fire damage per round to all inside. Creatures who spend 1 full round inside and fail a Reflex save are ignited themselves. Lasts 3 rounds.
  • Chill Breeze: Target in Short range suffers 1d8+1/level cold damage, and must pass a Fort save or suffer hypothermia (treat as fatigued).
  • Gust of Wind: Does whatever a gust of wind can.
  • Lightning Strike, Lesser: Target in Medium range suffers 1d6/level electrical damage, Reflex half.
  • Stone Spike: The earth juts upward to stab target in Short range, inflicting 2d6+2/level physical damage. Target must be within 10 ft of the earth.
  • Geyser: A vent of steam erupts from the ground beneath a target in Short range, inflicting 1d6+1/level fire damage, and knocking the creature over on a failed Reflex save.
  • Evoke Blaze: 20' radius ignites, causing 1d8+1/level fire damage per round to all inside, and igniting those who fail a Reflex save.
  • Freeze: Target touched must pass a Reflex save or be frozen in place by a solid block of ice; can attempt a Strength check (your DC) each round as a full-round action to escape. Lasts 1-rd/level.
  • Thunderlance: 90' line of air knocks down all Medium creatures and moves Large creatures 5 ft back, inflicts 1d4 sonic damage/level with Reflex save for half.
  • Lightning Storm, Lesser: All within 20' spread suffer 1d6/level electrical damage, Ref half, for 3 rounds. (Does not follow targets)
  • Chill Wind: Targets in 30' cone suffer 1d6/level cold damage, and must pass a Fort save or suffer hypothermia (treat as fatigued).
  • Stone Claw: The earth forms a large claw which inflicts 1d8/2 levels in physical damage and initiates a grapple (caster level+Wis+8) which it holds for 1 round per level.
  • Column of Fire: 10' cylinder, 20' high pillar of flame in Medium range causes 1d6/level fire damage, no save; the following round, anyone still inside takes half the original damage, no save. Reflex negates igniting, yada yada yada.
  • Pillar of Water: Cylinder of water, 10' radius, 40' high, lifts all targets off their feet. They cannot move, they must swim, and they begin to drown if they need to breathe air. The water is considered stormy water and requires a DC 20 Swim check to move within. Lasts 1 round/level.
  • Earth Strike: The earth rolls over itself to crush a 10' square for 1d6/level physical damage, no save; survivors are prone and buried, with cover granted by the rubble, and a DC 15 Strength or Escape Artist check required to escape.
  • Lightning Strike, Greater: Target in Long range suffers 1d8/level electrical damage, Reflex half. On a failed save, target is dazed for 1 round.
  • Pillar of Ice: Target in Medium range suffers 1d8/level frost damage, Fort half, and is frozen in place as in Freeze. While frozen, target suffers 1/level frost damage per round.
  • Wind Tunnel: 10' cylinder, 10' long per level, contains rushing wind that can be used for various purposes. Any flying creature that fits inside is automatically rushed to the other edge. Any grounded creature must pass a Reflex save or suffer a similar fate. The cylinder can be oriented upward, forcing affected creatures to pass a Reflex save or be vaulted upward to the extent of the cylinder. Creatures so moved suffer 1d6/level falling damage unless they somehow do not strike anything after the movement (i.e., they have magical flight or natural buoyancy).
  • Flaming Wind: A snake-like tunnel of wind carries searing flame to 1 target/level within Medium range; all suffer 1d8/level fire damage, Ref half, for 3 rounds, and are ignited on a failed save.
  • Cocoon of Magma: Target in Medium range is enveloped in magma, suffering 1d6/level fire damage per round with no save. Target can attempt to escape the magma as a standard action by passing a Reflex save. Lasts 3 rounds.
  • Stone Lance: A great spear of stone strikes target in Medium range within 40' of the earth. The attack inflicts 1d10 physical damage per 2 levels, no save; creature must extricate itself from the spear as a move action or be immobilized.
  • Lightning Storm, Greater: All within 60' spread suffer 1d8/level electrical damage, Ref half, for 3 rounds, and are dazed for 1 round on a failed save. (Does not follow targets)
  • Deep Freeze: One target/level in Medium range must pass a Reflex save or be frozen in place by a solid block of ice; can attempt to escape as a full-round action by passing a Strength check (your DC). Lasts 1-rd/level.
  • Pull of the Earth: Target flying creature in Long range suffers an increases to apparent weight; its flight maneuverability decreases one step, its fly speed is halved, and it must land at 75% hit points (rather than 50%).
  • Pillar of Flame: 30' cylinder, 90' high pillar of flame in Long range causes 1d8/level fire damage, no save, each round for 3 rounds.
  • Prison of Ice: Target touched is imprisoned in a block of ice permanently, Will negates.
  • Storm of Vengeance: 90' radius is inundated with rain, sleet, snow, hail, lightning, earthquakes, fireballs, and wind. All within are affected by hurricane force winds which blow in a random direction for each target; whiteout blocks vision as in obscuring mist; tremors negate tremorsense; wind negates scent; casting is impossible; movement speeds are reduced by half; flying is impossible; all suffer 1d6/level of untyped damage per round, no save.


  • Lightning Shield (Spell):Summons 1 orb per level which orbit around you. Any creature that strikes you in melee suffers 1d6/level electricity damage, no save, causing one orb to disappear. You gain 50% resistance to electricity. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.
  • Fire Shield (Spell):Each round, on your turn, all creatures within 5 ft of you suffer 2d6+1/level fire damage; those within 10 ft suffer 2d4 damage, and those within 20 ft suffer 1d4 damage, all with no save. You gain 50% resistance to fire. Allies are immune to this damage. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.
  • Earth Shield (Spell):When you are struck in melee, you are healed as in Cure Light Wounds as cast by you; on a critical hit, you are instead healed as in Cure Serious Wounds. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.
  • Water Shield (Spell)):You are surrounded by 3 orbs of water. When struck in melee, one orb bursts, and you gain 1d6+4 spell levels; you may use these spell levels at any time within one round to cast a spell whose level does not exceed the granted levels. Casting a spell in such a manner is as normal in all ways, including casting time, it just does not expend a spell slot. 1 min/level. Only one elemental shield spell may be active on you at a time.

Weapon Buffs

  • Rockbiter Weapon (Spell): Touched weapon inflicts +1d6 damage per 5 levels, and ignores one point of hardness or Damage Reduction per level. Lasts 10 minutes per level. Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.
  • Flametongue (Spell): Touched weapon inflicts +1d6 fire damage per 3 levels. Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.
  • Frostbrand (Spell): Touched weapon inflicts +1d6 frost damage per 3 levels. Creatures struck must pass a Fortitude save or be slowed for 1 round. Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.
  • Windfury Weapon (Spell): Touched weapon grants an additional attack on a roll of 16 or higher; can happen up to 2 times per attack in a full attack (for a maximum of 3 attacks per attack). Cannot be stacked with other shaman weapon enhancement spells.


(not sure about these)

  • Healing Stream (5): As Cure Moderate Wounds, except it heals all within 30 ft circle once per round for 3 rounds.
  • Chain Heal (6): As Cure Critical Wounds, except it heals half as much to 3 additional targets within a 30 ft circle.
  • Healing Stream, Greater (7): As Cure Critical Wounds, except it heals all within 30 ft circle once per round for 3 rounds.
  • Chain Heal, Greater (8): As Heal, except it heals half as much to 3 additional targets within a 30 ft circle.
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